Sunday, May 29, 2011

Google Chromebooks Available Soon!

Google has announced that their new devices known as Chromebooks will be available as soon as June 15th.  Samsung and Acer models will both be available at launch.  I've been testing a Chromebook known as the CR-48 for the last few months and have to say that these devices are far superior to anything else on the market.   Chromebooks boot up in less than 7 seconds and are not vulnerable to viruses, spyware, or malware.  Also, no annoying please restart your computer screens all the time as is common in windows.  
Pricing on Chromebooks is still not available, but are believed to be close to the same price as a standard netbook.  These devices are also far superior on battery life than those of other laptops and netbooks.  The Samsung version is going to have an 8.5 hour battery and the Acer will have a 6 hour battery making these computers the ideal device for students, companies, and home users.

For more information about Google Chrome OS and Google Chromebooks please visit 

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