Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Legend of Zelda 3DS Coming Soon!

One of the most beloved Zelda games of all time was A Link to the Past on SNES is finally getting a sequel and it looks epic. The world from A Link to the Past has been completely redone in beautiful 3D for the 3DS.  Along with that there is a rumor that it will be playing in 60 fps regardless if you have 3D turned on or not.  This would be truly amazing.  The 3DS is an amazingly powerful console and compares with home consoles on quality so it is definitely possible.  This new entry uses the circle pad and buttons for control over the 2 DS Zelda games using the stylus exclusively.  The touch screen is used for your map and items much like Ocarina of Time 3D on 3DS.  A major difference is this game is overhead.  Which originally seemed like an odd choice because the 3DS can handle games with the camera behind in massive worlds.  
Despite being overhead the graphics still look amazing and feature tons of new items and a huge beautiful world.  Many are wondering if this will be the Zelda game that takes over as the number 1 game in the series.  Ocarina of Time has held this title for many years now.  There are some that claim a Link to the Past was best and other said Skyward Sword or Majora's Mask was, but the largest group of people still point towards Ocarina of Time.  I would be very interested in seeing a game finally topple Ocarina of Time.  Which in my opinion is one of the greatest games of all time.  I really enjoyed it and have a lot of nostalgia with it.  On that note I'm super excited for this game and would like to see how the world has developed for play on my favorite game console of all time being the 3DS.  

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