Saturday, November 6, 2010

Plants vs. Zombies invades your Android Device!

Popcap has announced that they are going to finally start developing games for Android, since Android has become the most popular Mobile Platform, it's a surprise that they took this long.  The first 2 games to be released are Plants vs. Zombies and Peggle.
Plants vs. Zombies made history being one of the only casual games to get the honor of game of the year and to have one of their characters (sunflower) nominated for video game hero of the year. It's very popular and a load of fun.  It's super addictive and about time that it makes an appearance on Android.  Get set to battle Zombies in early 2011 on your Android Device.  Also, Plants vs. Zombies has been announced coming to Google Chrome OS and the Chrome Web Store so if you are a Chrome Browser user or plan to be a Chrome OS user you can also enjoy this game which should be releasing by this holiday season.

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